Thank you for voting for "Kid's cutest moment" photo contest.

Please provide us your accurate personal information. In case of any failure to contact the winners, prizes will be cancelled and transferred to the next one.

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Personal Information

Facebook profile URL instruction:

  • Desktop: Log in your Facebook account > Copy Facebook link in address bar
  • Mobile: Log in your Facebook application > Click to Profile Settings > Copy link


Step 1: Click “LIKE” on the photo entry at “Kid’s cutest moment” photo album.


Step 2: Choose your favorite entry number.

Terms and Conditions:

By clicking on the "Submit" button, I, for and on behalf of myself named in this application hereby confirm to have read, understood and agreed to:

1. Submit to UOB Vietnam all the information on this form.

2. Consent to UOB Vietnam collecting, using and disclosing the given contact details to provide me with information via telephone and/or email about any UOB Vietnam products, services, offers and events that in UOB Vietnam’s opinion may be of interest to me, or to contact me regarding this form or to assist in completing this form if it is incomplete or not submitted.

3. The terms and conditions of this photo contest.